Standardised Assessments
L4Life standardised assessments, undertaken by our allied health team, are used to help us better understand a child's needs. They guide decisions around a child's learning plan and can help to determine the type and amount of clinical support required.
L4Life does not conduct assessments that are part of the initial autistic diagnostic process. For anyone looking for an autism diagnosis, we recommend that this is undertaken by a multi-disciplinary team of professionals who specialise in diagnosis.
Types of Assessments on Offer
Learning for Life’s psychologist team conduct standardised assessments onsite at our Centre in Kew. These assessments include:
- Bayleys Scale of Infant and Toddler Development
- Childhood Behaviour Checklist
- Childhood Autism Rating Scale
- Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals
- Reynell Developmental Language Scales
- Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales
- Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability
- Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence IV
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children V
- Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – III

Standardised Assessments Schedule of Fees
L4Life has individual fees for each assessment.
Some people may have specific NDIS funding for assessments included in their plan, or they may require the information from standardised assessments to support NDIS funding requests, reviews and/or appeals. However, whether NDIS funding can be used to pay for the assessments depends on the assessments being conducted and the individual plan. The allied health team member assigned to conduct your child’s assessments will be able to guide you based on your individual circumstances.
You can also refer to your Local Area Coordinator to get additional information on NDIS funding. You can also visit the NDIS website at
Speak to our team about your needs
Enquire Now To learn more about our our psychological services, please call us at (03) 9853 4607 or email us at