As part of our 20th anniversary celebrations we're hoping for the biggest team yet. We hope you can come along for the ride and enjoy the comaraderie that the event fosters.
Still need more information? Then get to know our Team here . . .

Victoria Crane (L4Life General Manager, Operations)
How long have you worked at L4Life?
Since 2018
How many years registered in Run Melbourne?
This will be my 5th year
What run are you registered for?
Half marathon – I’ve done both the 10km and the half marathon over the years
Are you a runner normally?
Yes – run regularly with a group of friends, and sometimes with my kids
Why are you doing it?
It’s a great event – a happy event and feels good to be part of it. It’s also a good practice run to do as a build up to the Melbourne marathon
How are you preparing for it?
Running three times per week with friends
Are you running on your own, or with others?
I’ll run with friends to start but they’re all faster than me so will stick with them as long as I can! I plan to then join my kids for the 5km run once I’ve finished my run. All three of my kids have signed up this year – it will be my daughters’ second time and my son’s first.
Why should people support the L4Life team and donate to our Run Melbourne campaign?
It’s a key fundraiser for L4Life and has been an important event on our annual calendar for some years now. It’s a great opportunity to meet or hear about others in the Village and provides motivation to those running.
Thank you Victoria - 2 events in one day! Good luck.
If you would like to support Victoria's efforts, you can donate at
Want to join the team? Register at the link below.