As part of our 20th anniversary celebrations we're hoping for the biggest team yet. We hope you can come along for the ride and enjoy the comaraderie that the event fosters.
Still need more information? Then get to know our Team here . . .

Mary Muirhead OAM, L4Life Founder and Board Chair
Have you taken part in Team L4Life and Run Melbourne before?
Too many to count 2008 - 2024.... with pandemic years where we held our own Village In Motion event in lockdown. I've been to every RM since the beginning, a couple I didn't participate (injury) but did meet and greet the team.
What run are you registered for?
5 km walk. I have done 2 x 10 km runs which I am super proud of in my running days (which are behind me now!)
Why are you taking part?
To raise funds for L4Life kids and families, join in the Village community spirit and that of all Melbourne and beyond.
How are you preparing for the event?
Walking the dog daily.
Are you running with others?
I look forward to walking with all the 5 km L4Life walkers.
Why do you want people to support L4Life and donate to our Run Melbourne campaign?
Our fundraising keeps the organisation going to keep our mission/purpose alive, it supports people who may not otherwise have access to services for their kids and this year to celebrate our 20th Anniversary!
Do you have a particular fundraising or running goal? What is it?
For 20 years of L4Life I've set my target at $2000 - $100 for each we've been around for!
Anything else you want to share?
I always look forward to Run Melbourne despite the winter weather. We always feel a warm glow when we are sharing the day with like-minded people who are passionate about their purpose.
You can support Mary's efforts at