Run Melbourne 2024 - we did it!

26 Jul 2024

20k and our biggest team yet!

Another Run Melbourne done and dusted - but boy did we give it our all!

Thank you to everyone who took part, helped organise, donated, and supported another Run Melbourne campaign!  We've been taking part since 2008 and we achieved our goal of the biggest team yet, with over 40 runners and walkers, and 141 donors raising funds for Learning for Life Autism Centre.

We set the goal of raising $20K in celebration of our 20th year in operation and we did it!  We raised $21K, with over $14K through the Run Melbourne portal (putting us in the top 14 of funds raised for the event) and an additional $7K raised through the generous support of 5point Foundation and Bendigo Bank Community Inner East. Well done everyone!

There were some wonderful highlights of the day and many more stories to share as we reflect on the event. Of particular note:
  • Our L4Life ambassador, Hugo, came 29th in the male category of the 5.5km - fantastic effort Hugo.
  • L4Life staff member, Erin Delaney, ran her first half marathon and exceeded her goal time.
  • Our volunteers from St Leonards - Jerry, Kevin and Antonio - were a wonderful support on the home stretch.  They also managed to get some great pics (see below).
  • A shout out to our regular Run Melbourne participants: the Crane family, Vincent Chen and the Das family.
We'd also like to thank Board member, Natalie Gibbs and her daughter Olive for organising everyone's t-shirts and bags on the day!
A young man stands with legs wide and hands pointing to sky. He has a happy face as he prepares for his race.
A runner looks at the camera with a smile. Her medal is around her neck and the fun run crowd is behind her.

Thank you to our runners and walkers

  • Hugo Sierakowski (L4Life Run Melbourne Ambassador)
  • Mary Muirhead (L4Life Board)
  • The Das Family (L4Life Board)
  • Matt Harvey (L4Life Board)
  • Peter Royce (L4Life Board)
  • Erin Delaney (L4Life Staff)
  • Tiffany Poljakovic (L4Life Staff)
  • AlanaMcGrellis (L4Life Staff)
  • Cassie Dodds (L4Life Staff)
  • Jessica Blair (L4Life Staff)
  • Chloe Federov (L4Life Staff)
  • Will Blair
  • Pam Roy
  • Laura Royce
  • Marc Wilson
  • Rose Hawas
  • Oliver Martin
  • Anna Fleiter
  • Victoria Crane
  • Freddie Crane
  • Sadie Crane
  • Veronica Lopez
  • Brody Weinert
  • Vincent Chang
  • Isla Mulvaney
  • Pieris Mulvaney
  • Tyrone Mulvaney
  • Caroline Mulvaney
  • Charlotte Griffiths
  • Ella Griffiths
  • Grant Turvey
  • Faye Griffiths
  • Elisa Damelio
  • Antonio Damelio
  • Lorenzo Damelio
  • Anthony Damelio
  • Peter Koronios

Thank you to our supporters

  • Bendigo Bank - Community Inner East
  • 5point Foundation
  • Adam Jansen
  • Alec Fedorov
  • Alexandra  Romete
  • Alicia Serafy
  • Alison Wigglesworth
  • Alla Petrov
  • Aminee Hawas
  • Anastasia Kurubilis
  • Andrew Fooks
  • Angelina Kotsios
  • Angus Murrie
  • Annabelle Royce
  • Anne Muirhead
  • Anne Wiggs
  • Anne-Marie  Adams
  • Anthony Lee
  • Antonio y Irma Mena
  • Bridget Kosmas
  • Brigette Ellul
  • Caitlin Hurly
  • Carolyn Martin
  • Carolyn Munckton
  • Cathy Jennings
  • Catriona Wells
  • Cecilia Litchfield
  • Cheryl Blair
  • Chloe Fedorov
  • Christine and Francois Darcas
  • Christine Kotsios
  • Colt Tipton
  • Danielle Henry
  • Dario & Loretta Precoma
  • David Mikhail
  • Dee Greeve
  • Dennis Gration
  • Elias Dagher
  • Elise Trask
  • ELK Durinck
  • Ellen Barber
  • Emma  Mothersole
  • Emma  Stratford
  • Erin Delaney
  • Fair Trade & Gift Shop
  • Faye Griffiths
  • Fiona Rideg
  • Freda Kotsios
  • Gabi Tew
  • Gareth  D
  • Gaye Dee
  • Gill Walton
  • Gillian Millar
  • Harsh Budhiraja
  • Irene and David  Ho
  • Jack  Pryor
  • Jackie  Bryan
  • James  Bryan
  • Jan Dods
  • Jan Ireland
  • Janet Creaner
  • Janine  Gould
  • Jen Grimmond
  • Jennie Gale
  • Jill Forsyth
  • Jo Barbuto
  • John  Pryor
  • John & Diana Royce
  • John kotsios
  • Jordan Lines
  • Karen Lee
  • Kate Lawlor
  • Kate Norton
  • Katherine Skorsis
  • Kim Harrington
  • Kris Thompson Fedorov
  • Krystal  Agius
  • Leah Montagnese
  • Linda Barnes
  • Lisa Richards
  • Lynne Pryor
  • Maree Lachmund
  • Margie Mitchell
  • Maria Fyodorov
  • Marsha Day
  • Mary Muirhead
  • Meagan au-spreadborough
  • Melinda Dillon
  • Micheline  Khoury
  • Michelle Whelan
  • Mikayla  Alderson
  • Miranda Sharp
  • MJ & Roy Nassar
  • Myles Delbridge
  • Natalia Molini
  • Nicci Godsman
  • Nicola Warda
  • Nicole Batchelder
  • Nikolas Kotsios
  • Odette Pryor
  • P Harvey
  • Pam Roy
  • Paul Tsou
  • Perla Licha
  • Peter Royce
  • Phillip Melville
  • Rafael  Lopez
  • Raja Uppal
  • Raylee Marston
  • Richard  Henry
  • Robyn  Hazlett
  • Ruby Barbuto
  • Sally OBrien
  • Sandra Hanson
  • Sarah Dods
  • Sarah Smeaton
  • Scott  Craddock
  • Sean Das
  • Shayna Burns
  • Shweta Sarathy
  • Stephanie  Ancill
  • Su-Ann Kuan
  • Sue Hurly
  • Sue O'Shea
  • Sue Roberts
  • Susan Wilson
  • Teah Reichert
  • Tess Sharrock
  • Teyarna  Allaway
  • Therese McCoppin
  • Tim Hazlett
  • Tram Phan
  • Trudy Booker
  • Umesh  Kadam
  • Veronica Lopez
  • Victoria Alford
  • Wal Delaney
  • Warren Tu
  • Warwick Acott
  • Wayne Walters
  • Wendy Smiles
  • Yashar Zadeh

See you next year!